About Us
Kandiyohi County Pheasants Forever Story
Kandiyohi County Pheasants Forever Story
The parent organization of Pheasants Forever, founded in April 1982, is an organization of Conservationists and Sportsmen. It's single goal is to protect, preserve and develop Pheasants and Pheasant habitat.
To that end, Pheasants Forever in 1982 selected as its first project the establishment of a State Pheasant Stamp and Restoration Program. Without such a program, efforts to breathe life into Minnesota's Pheasant population would be greatly inhibited.
With the help of concerned Legislators and Sportsmen, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and Wildlife organizations such as the Minnesota Conservation Federation, The Izaak Walton League, MAFLAS and others, Pheasants Forever has now achieved its initial goal.
The members of the Kandiyohi County chapter of Pheasants Forever can take pride in the accomplishment of giving the organization its first toehold in out-state Minnesota.
In 2020 KCPF was awarded a plaque for over Seven Million Dollars in habitat contracts.
The Kandiyohi County chapter held the first out-state Banquet on April 27,1983. Thanks to the outstanding local support, the banquet was so successful that the parent organization used our chapter as a prototype for establishing chapters throughout the Minnesota Pheasant range. In 1983, the first ever Pheasants Forever habitat project in the nation was a woody cover, shelterbelt on the Harlow and Doris Olson farm in Kandiyohi County and it is still going strong.
Kandiyohi County has been the recipient of PF's Minnesota Banquet of the Year and Minnesota Chapter of the Year awards. In 2020, Kandiyohi County PF received the National Habitat Chapter of the Year Award. Funds raised at the annual banquet are the only source of revenue that allows Kandiyohi County Pheasants Forever to accomplish the mission of the conservation of pheasants and other wildlife through habitat improvement, public awareness, education and land management programs.
Since 1983 the Kandiyohi County Chapter has raised over $8 million dollars for the PF mission. All proceeds from the banquet are controlled by the local Pheasants Forever Chapter. These locally raised and leveraged dollars are put to work in the community by the chapter. To date the chapter has :
• Helped create and support a PF Farm Bill Biologist position to work with landowners and producers in the county on voluntary conservation private land programs. Since July of 2017 this position has had 543 landowner contacts and impacted 21,656.66 acres in the County.
• Supported five local high school trap teams
• Provided youth education on habitat and gun safety
• Provided money for youth to be involved in pollinator projects
• Provided a scholarship to a senior interested in a conservation career
• Enhanced or restored over 2,200 acres on 23 existing public land complexes projects since 2015 in partnership with the Outdoor Heritage Fund
• Acquired 16 tracts in fee-title totaling 1,227 acres . The parcels are restored to wildlife habitat, protected in perpetuity, and are open for anyone to use and enjoy.
• Through a partnership with Conservation Partners Legacy Program, is restoring or enhancing over 530 acres of public land in Kandiyohi County
"The Kandiyohi Chapter of Pheasants Forever credits these impactful accomplishments to the support of the many PF volunteers, local businesses, members and non-members that attend the annual banquet and have generously given their time and money throughout the past 38 years" said Kevin Ochsendorf, president of the Kandiyohi County Pheasants Forever chapter. "Additionally, we are thankful for the past and present county commissioners, members of other local units of government, and agency partners who understand the importance of public and private land habitat and the conservation aspect for all individuals and wildlife that use it."
Our Board Members
Kevin Ochsendorf - President
Brad Hanson - Vice President
Michelle Hanson - Treasurer
Lee Thompson- Youth Coordinator
Dick Miller - Project Coordinator
Brad Hanson - PR Coordinator
Greg Kamrowski - Banquet Chair.
Mission Statement:
Pheasants Forever, Inc (PF) is a national non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education and land management policies and programs. (877)773-2070
Board Mebers:
(Kevin Ochsendorf - President) Kevin, as president, is one of the primary contacts for the local organization. He organizes monthly or weekly meetings, and assists the banquet groups and projects in the field. He is passionate about the organization and the fact it exists for the preservation of wildlife and clean water. He has been the president for several years and appreciates the fact he was asked to be a member and can serve in this capacity. His contact information is available on the contact page. |
Lee Thompson - Secretary and Youth Education Coordinator Lee coordinates the many Chapter projects where youth participate. Our annual Youth trap Shoot at the Willmar Trap Range and Youth Camp at Prairie Woods ELC. The chapter also hosts a youth mentor hunt in the fall. Hunters, mentors and land need to be secured for a sucessful hunt. His contact information is available on the contact page. |
(Richard Miller - Project Coordinator) Richard has been coordinating our food plots and cost sharing for many years. When a parcel of land becomes available to purchase for public hunting, Richard assists in making sure its a good fit for the chapters conservation agenda. His contact information is available on the contact page. |
(Greg Kamrowski): Greg has been the chapter banquet chairman for many years. Preparation for the banquet starts 8-9 months in advance with filing for permits and rental of facilities. Many letters and forms and advertising are started 4-5 months before the banquet. The last 2 months are hectic with weekly meetings with the banquet committee making sure all is in order to present a successful banquet for all attending. His contact information is available on the contact page. |