Pheasants Forever

Chapter Habitat and land projects...

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The Outdoors

Enjoy the outdoors with tall grass prairies, fresh air and pheasants cackling

Mentor Hunting

Kandiyohi County Chapter has a youth hunting experience each year..

Youth Hunting

A successful youth mentor hunt

No Child Left Indoors

Kandiyohi County Pheasants Forever supports 5 youth High School Clay Target League teams. We also hold Youth Trap day on the first weekend in August each year.

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Kandiyohi County Pheasants Forever Chapter #2
get in touch

Pheasants Forever Board and Committee Members

Kevin Ochsendorf - President
Brad Hanson - Vice President
Michelle Hanson - Treasurer
Lee Thompson- Secretary
Dick Miller - Project Coordinator
Brad Hanson - PR Coordinator
Lee Thompson, - Education Coordinator
Greg Kamrowski - Banquet Chair.


Committee Members

Gary Hoekstra
Dick Miller
Greg Kamrowski
Steve & Ruth Smith
Jim Tetzloff
Matt Crowley
Mark Peterson
Zach Walz

Wes Miller
Karen Ochsendorf
Lee Thompson
Kevin Ochsendorf
Terrell Myllenbeck
Aaron Wilson
Jerod Ochsendorf
Larry Kleindl

Sue Jensen
Brad Hanson
Brian Gieseke
Stephen Deleski
Michelle Hanson
Pat Kelly
Howard Werner
Ted Wurm

If you are interested in being included in our google group email Click on one of the below links and add your email.

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